Learn with GeeksforGeeks Course – Best Courses To Land Job In Your Dream Company
Please refer GeeksforGeeks – FREE & Paid Courses for the latest list of courses....
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PSU Recruitment through GATE
PSU Recruitment through GATE – GATE Exam – The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an examination that primarily tests the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering and science. GATE 2022 was conducted on 29 subjects....
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How to attempt Function Coding Questions?
Function Coding Questions are similar to normal coding questions apart from the fact that one does not need to read input and print output from standard I/O while writing solutions. In function coding question, one just needs to complete a function already written in the code editor. You need to work on inputs provided as a parameter to this function and instead of printing the result you will have to return it from the function. Let’s take the example of a sample function problem: Equilibrium Index of an Array. The pattern of question is almost the same as that of normal programming questions. In function problems, you can notice an additional information provided as “Task” after the output format which clearly explains that the user only needs to complete a function and return the result from it....
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TCS Placement Paper | Email Writing Question 8
Pre-requisite: Procedure to E-mail Writing This is a TCS model placement email-writing question. It covers the important directions along with a sample solution to the question....
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Sudo Placement[1.3] | Final Destination
Given an array of integers and a number K with initial and final values. Your task is to find the minimum number of steps required to get final value starting from the initial value using the array elements. You can only do add (add operation % 1000) on values to get the final value. At every step, you are allowed to add any of the array elements with modulus operation....
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Why companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Google focuses on Data Structures and Algorithms : Answered
If you’re preparing for a tech interview of any big tech company like Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc. – most probably, you would have known about the importance of Data Structures and Algorithms to crack these interviews. Yes, most of the interviews for technical roles in these companies are focused on measuring the Data Structures and Algorithms knowledge of the candidates....
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Going to an Interview
It is sometimes bit difficult to face an Interview for the first time. Many people find it difficult & feels like a burden or while going to it pushes one under a lot pressure....
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Must Do Coding Questions for Companies like Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, …
As the placement season is back so are we to help you ace the interview. We have selected some most commonly asked and must do practice problems for you....
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How to answer a coding question in an Interview?
A lot of technical interview rounds focus on coding questions. You are presented with a pen and paper and asked to suggest an algorithm to solve the question followed by the code. Here’s a general guide as to how you should go about answering such a question....
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Guide for Non-CS students to get placed in Software companies
This post is especially for people of non-CS branches who have developed interest towards coding and would like to work in a software company. The following post is made keeping in mind the placement process for IIT’s but it may be extended to NIT’s and other colleges...
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Commonly Asked Questions in Goldman Sachs Interviews
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Commonly Asked C++ Interview Questions | Set 2
There are lot of differences, some of the major differences are:...
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